I'm constantly amazed at the imagination and creativeness of the people coming up with vital web applications that I didn't know I needed until I discovered them. Firefox now has so many add-ons that really can simplify one's browsing experience, as well as add to the enjoyment.
As Rick Anderson said in his blog, and I must say that I agree with him, that I believe our patrons will expect, and have the right to expect, access to all 'emerging' technologies, digital collections of journals, books, blogs, podcasts, etc.. They are never 'emerging' for very long, but quickly become part of our patron's daily lives, especially the curious and the young.
Random thought: I would just like to make a suggestion to whoever designs library catalogues. Please add that famous Google 'did you mean' feature...
Hey Quizzy Lizzy - where are you? It is 18th September and you haven't been in your site since 5th September!!! Keep up - can't have you of all people falling by the wayside at this stage! I see you are quoting from one of my favourite authors, A.C Grayling - have all his books and love them and dip into them often. An incredibly intelligent and wise man. Add John Carroll from La Trove University to your list of authors to read - you'll love him - I do! His Existential Jesus is a tour de force of sheer brilliance.
I have not fallen by the wayside, just been busy... I will rush through the rest of the exercises on Sunday! Thanks for popping around. :)
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