Wednesday, July 23, 2008

Who are you?

And it is now possible anyone with a few spare minutes, and the inclination, to discover which Jane Austin character they would be...

I am Elinor <span class=

Apparently I am Elinor Dashwood of Sense & Sensibility! "You are practical, circumspect, and discreet. Though you are tremendously sensible and allow your head to rule, you have a deep, emotional side that few people often see." You think?!?
Interesting link


SoAndSo said...

Who are you? Isnt that like, more an existentialist's question rather than an atheist's? (Secularists are just splitters.) Actually i can't tell who anyone on this course is, though i'm told it's "obvious." I must be Grigg.

QuizzyLizzy's web 2.0 experience said...

Perhaps I'm an existential atheist. I'm having a problem figuring out who people are too... being so quizzy by nature it's killing me.

SoAndSo said...

Can there be any other kind of atheist? More troublingly: could God be an atheist? Certainly He'd have no problem being an existentialist.

QuizzyLizzy said...

Yes, the Buddhist kind. And I firmly believe that God is an atheist!

Island Bookworm said...

Hi QuizzyLizzy, I got Elinor Dashwood too, and it fits pretty well.

Thanks for the link to Classical Bookworm in your sidebar. Please note that my blog has just moved to:

Sorry for the inconvenience!

QuizzyLizzy said...

@Sylvia: Thanks, I have updated the link.

Island Bookworm said...

Great, thanks! :)